Chase pre-drilled frames offer the convenience of one supplier and quicker installation times. Since the holes are pre-drilled for your exact door, the hassle of drilling holes on-site is minimized, saving you time and money during installation. The Chase Flush Hollow Metal Drywall frame has pre-drilled holes for top hardware, for fastening frame to the door and for bottom hardware. There are also four compression anchors (two located on each side of the frame).
Product Flyers
- Frames Data Sheet (166.226 KB)
- Chase Frame Color Chart (1.426 MB)
Install Instructions
- Hollow Metal Frame Installation for Drywalls (168.197 KB)
Order Forms
- Hollow Metal Drywall - Strap Order Form (187.486 KB)
- Hollow Metal Drywall - Compression Anchor Order Form (191.921 KB)