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Tri Lite offers a wide variety of affordable, industrial-grade dock lights that fit a variety of applications. Tri Lite dock lights also come in several models, including metal incandescent, polycarbonate, LED, high-pressure sodium, and foodservice grade lights. Tri Lite now offers a flexible arm light and arm configurations come in single and double-strut with lengths up to 90" long.
In docks where lighting is poor or the loading and unloading process is complicated, Stop & Go lights can be purchased to aid trucks in parking. Red and green lights tell drivers when to proceed and when to stop.
Product Brochures
- Loading Dock Catalog (743.663 KB)
Product Flyers
- Tri Lite Product Overview (227.377 KB)
- Tri Lite LED Light Overview (1.126 MB)
- Tri Lite Architectural Specs (110.296 KB)
Install Instructions
- Tri Lite Installation Instructions (84.548 KB)