Sales Representatives

United States

For help with your ordering needs, please find your location and representative below.

Location Name Email Phone
Alabama Chris Jacobs [email protected] 770-773-0313
Alaska United Sales NW [email protected] 360-524-6040
Arizona Matt Nicholas [email protected] 623-227-9383
Arkansas Zac Adams [email protected] 636-284-1125
California Sales West [email protected] 714-288-0201
Colorado Jonathan Jones [email protected] 402-955-9200
Connecticut Greg Gardner [email protected] 603-893-0755
Delaware Le Turner [email protected] 267-254-3180
Florida Patrick Kearney [email protected] 407-883-0496
Georgia Chris Jacobs [email protected] 770-773-0313
Hawaii Sales West [email protected] 714-288-0201
Idaho - North (Counties North of and including Idaho county) United Sales NW [email protected] 360-524-6040
Idaho - South (Counties South and East of Idaho county) Jonathan Jones [email protected] 402-955-9200
Illinois - North Michael Robinson [email protected] 815-790-2056
Illinois - South Zac Adams [email protected] 636-284-1125
Indiana - North Luc Fiore [email protected] 513-570-6538
Indiana - South Luc Fiore [email protected] 513-570-6538
Iowa Tim Wells [email protected] 612-469-1218
Kansas Zac Adams [email protected] 636-284-1125
Kentucky Luc Fiore [email protected] 513-570-6538
Louisiana Aaron Bates [email protected] 832-375-4926
Maine Greg Gardner [email protected] 603-893-0755
Maryland Le Turner [email protected] 267-254-3180
Massachusetts Greg Gardner [email protected] 603-893-0755
Michigan Luc Fiore [email protected] 513-570-6538
Minnesota Tim Wells [email protected] 612-469-1218
Mississippi Chris Jacobs [email protected] 770-773-0313
Missouri Zac Adams [email protected] 636-284-1125
Montana Jonathan Jones [email protected] 402-955-9200
Nebraska Tim Wells [email protected] 612-469-1218
Nevada Sales West [email protected] 714-288-0201
New Hampshire Greg Gardner [email protected] 603-893-0755
New Jersey Charlie Chapter [email protected] 732-244-2884
New Mexico Matt Nicholas [email protected] 623-227-9383
New York - North Greg Gardner [email protected] 603-893-0755
New York - South Charlie Chapter [email protected] 732-244-2884
New York - Western Mike Roarty [email protected] 412-952-0873
North Carolina Andy Flaniken [email protected] 901-652-2003
North Dakota Tim Wells [email protected] 612-469-1218
Ohio - Eastern Mike Roarty [email protected] 412-952-0873
Ohio - North Luc Fiore [email protected] 513-570-6538
Ohio - South Luc Fiore [email protected] 513-570-6538
Oklahoma Zac Adams [email protected] 636-284-1125
Oregon United Sales NW [email protected] 360-524-6040
Pennsylvania Le Turner [email protected] 267-254-3180
Pennsylvania - Western Mike Roarty [email protected] 412-952-0873
Rhode Island Greg Gardner [email protected] 603-893-0755
South Carolina Andy Flaniken [email protected] 901-652-2003
South Dakota Tim Wells [email protected] 612-469-1218
Tennessee Chris Jacobs [email protected] 770-773-0313
Texas Aaron Bates [email protected] 832-375-4926
Texas - El Paso Region Jonathan Jones [email protected] 402-955-9200
Utah Jonathan Jones [email protected] 402-955-9200
Vermont Greg Gardner [email protected] 603-893-0755
Virginia Andy Flaniken [email protected] 901-652-2003
Washington United Sales NW [email protected] 360-524-6040
Washington, D.C. Le Turner [email protected] 267-254-3180
West Virginia Mike Roarty [email protected] 412-952-0873
Wisconsin Michael Robinson [email protected] 815-790-2056
Wyoming Jonathan Jones [email protected] 402-955-9200

International and Canada

For help with your ordering needs, please find your location and representative below.

Location Name Email Phone
International Eddie Moreno [email protected] 937-520-7521
Canada - Alberta Chris Vermette [email protected] 204-257-8375
Canada - British Columbia Chris Vermette [email protected] 204-257-8375
Canada - Manitoba Chris Vermette [email protected] 204-257-8375
Canada - New Brunswick Delta T [email protected] 450-686-9652
Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador Delta T [email protected] 450-686-9652
Canada - Northwest Territories Chris Vermette [email protected] 204-257-8375
Canada - Nova Scotia Delta T [email protected] 450-686-9652
Canada - Nunavut Chris Vermette [email protected] 204-257-8375
Canada - Ontario Bruce Nakamura [email protected] 416-558-1058
Canada - Prince Edward Island Delta T [email protected] 450-686-9652
Canada - Quebec Delta T [email protected] 450-686-9652
Canada - Saskatchewan Chris Vermette [email protected] 204-257-8375
Canada - Yukon Chris Vermette [email protected] 204-257-8375